
De Multiple Causes-of-Death Network

Upcoming events:

IPC Conference in Brisbane (July 2025)
6th workshop of the MultiCause network in Barcelona (October 2025)

WIKI of the MultiCause Network

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We only die once… but from how many causes?

Aline Désesquelles, Andrea Gamboni, Elena Demuru, et al.
Population and Societies, n° 534, June 2016
Access to the Ined Website

The MultiCause network is an international research network dedicated to the analysis of all causes reported on death certificates. In addition to the reassessment of mortality levels, research is conducted on the analysis of how causes are combined with one another. Established in 2012, the network regroups researchers from about 20 countries. If tou are intersteed int he actvities of the network, oesea send an email to:

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