
De Multiple Causes-of-Death Network

Upcoming events:

IPC Conference in Brisbane (July 2025)
6th workshop of the MultiCause network in Barcelona (October 2025)


The MultiCause network is an international research network dedicated to the analysis of all causes reported on death certificates. In addition to the reassessment of mortality levels, research is conducted on how causes are combined with one another. Established in 2012, the network regroups researchers from about 20 countries. If you are interested in our activities, please send an email to:


The MultiCause network regularly organizes meetings on multiple cause-of-death (MCOD) analysis. The fourth meeting was held at the Institut national d’études démographiques (Ined) in Paris on May 16&17, 2019. To access the programme, click here. Please contact us at if you need further information on these meetings.

New publications

Egidi, V., Salvatore, M. A., Rivellini, G., & D'Angelo, S. (2018). A network approach to studying cause-of-death interrelations. Demographic Research, 38, 373-400.
Barbieri M., Désesquelles A., Egidi V., Demuru E., Frova L., Meslé F., & Pappagallo M. (2017). Obesity-related mortality in France, Italy, and the United States: a comparison using multiple cause-of-death analysis. International Journal of Public Health, 62(6), p. 623-629. supplementary table
Moreno-Betancur, M., Sadaoui, H., Piffaretti, C., & Rey, G. (2017).Survival analysis with multiple causes of death: extending the competing risks model. Epidemiology, 28(1), 12-19.
Pechholdová M., (2017). Sepsis-related mortality in the Czech Republic: multiple causes of death analysis., Epidemiologie, mikrobiologie, imunologie, 66(2):73–79.
First publication of the network : Désesquelles A., Gamboni A., Demuru E. et al. (2016),We only die once… but from how many causes?, Population and Societies, n° 534.

Other activities

Available R programmes


Standard indicators 2009

References (please update!)

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